English + Football
course Name

Institute Name : IHM Football Academy

Course Name : English + Football

Course Type : Foreign Languages

Education Level : 3

Duration : from 2 Weeks

Method of Delivery :

Pre Requirements : Entry assessment

Language Level : A1-C1

Visa Type :

Application Fee :

Academic Deposit :

Fees : View Course Detail

Intakes : All round year

Course Description :

You dream of training in a professional football academy. It would be chance to see how far you could go.
Would you love to improve your English language skills, but also want to be the best football player that you can be? You can do both at IHM Football Academy.
Your confidence whilst speaking English will grow day by day. It feels great to make friends, in English, with other young footballers, just like you, from all over the world. Living, studying and playing football in Manchester, the home of English football, is like a dream come true!
At IHM you can take English language classes every morning in our accredited English language school and then join our football coaching sessions with our professionally qualified coaches every afternoon.
IHM Football Academy will help you to be the best player and the best person that you can be:
– Be coached by UEFA qualified coaches
– Earn the chance to trial with Spanish & Portuguese professional clubs

What’s included:

  • 10 hours per week football coaching
  • Match play (subject to availability in the closed season)
  • 15 houurs per week of classroom based English language lessons in-house (International House Manchester (British Council accredited school)
  • Supervised creation of an individual player profile / career cv
  • Entry to “The IHM Coaching Panel” – opportunities for pro club trials, US soccer scholarships, further or higher education
  • IHM kit pack: 2 training kits (shirt, shorts, socks), 1 tracksuit, 1 red polo shirt
  • Gym membership
  • Standard homestay accommodation
  • Airport transfers on arrival and departure (Manchester airport)
  • Registration fees

The IHM Coaching Panel

Sitting twice a year, once in December and again in June, our panel will consider the merits of each IHM student player who has:
1 submitted a complete player profile (we will guide you)
2 consistently demonstrated the correct mental attitude and displayed good character at all times
3 engaged in all classroom tasks and activities
4 demonstrated appropriately high football skills and fitness
The Panel will then decide whether to recommend the player attends professional football club trials in Portugal or Spain.
The Panel will consist of the IHM senior coaching team.

Summer 2021 Dates

Minimum course duration is 2 weeks.
Start any Monday from: Monday 5th July 2021 Finish any Saturday. Final day Saturday 28th August 2021
NB – Student players can also start any Monday from Monday 6 September – We are open ALL YEAR ROUND


Duration Age 16/17
2 weeks £1,595
4 weeks £2,995
8 weeks £5,795
12 weeks £8,495
15 weeks £10,445
22 weeks £14,995
Duration Age 18+
2 weeks £1,525
4 weeks £2,845
8 weeks £5,495
12 weeks £7,995
15 weeks £9,795
22 weeks £13,995

The Manchester IHM Football Academy offers a unique and enriching programme that combines professional football training with high-quality English language education. This holistic approach ensures that students not only develop their athletic talents but also acquire essential communication skills, preparing them for successful careers in the global sports industry. With expert coaching, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive learning environment, the academy provides an unparalleled pathway for aspiring footballers to achieve their dreams.

About EDU Consultancy

EDU Consultancy is dedicated to helping students achieve their educational and career goals. With a focus on personalised guidance and support, EDU Consultancy connects students with top educational institutions and programmes around the world. For more information about the Manchester IHM Football Academy and its offerings, please contact EDU Consultancy.

The Manchester IHM Football Academy is a premier institution that seamlessly blends high-quality English language education with top-tier football training. Located in the heart of Manchester, a city synonymous with football excellence, the academy offers a unique and enriching experience for young athletes from around the globe. This article explores the offerings, benefits, and success stories of the Manchester IHM Football Academy, highlighting why it is the ideal destination for aspiring footballers who also wish to improve their English proficiency.

Overview of Manchester IHM Football Academy

Founded with the mission to nurture and develop young football talents, the Manchester IHM Football Academy provides a holistic approach to training. The academy recognises the importance of language skills in today’s global sports environment and integrates English language learning into its curriculum. This dual focus ensures that students not only excel on the pitch but also gain essential communication skills for their future careers.

Football Training Programme

The football training programme at Manchester IHM Football Academy is designed to meet the highest standards of professional football. It offers comprehensive training that covers technical, tactical, physical, and psychological aspects of the game.

Key Features of the Football Training Programme

  1. Expert Coaching Staff:

    • The academy boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced coaches, many of whom have played or coached at professional levels.
    • Coaches employ modern training methodologies and provide personalised feedback to help each player reach their full potential.
  2. State-of-the-Art Facilities:

    • Training takes place in world-class facilities, including well-maintained pitches, advanced fitness centres, and rehabilitation areas.
    • Students have access to the latest football training equipment and technology.
  3. Comprehensive Skill Development:

    • The programme covers all facets of football, including ball control, passing, shooting, and defending.
    • Tactical training sessions focus on game strategy, positional play, and decision-making.
  4. Physical Conditioning and Fitness:

    • Emphasis on strength and conditioning to enhance players’ physical attributes such as speed, agility, and endurance.
    • Regular fitness assessments and personalised workout plans ensure optimal physical development.
  5. Psychological Training:

    • Mental conditioning sessions to develop resilience, focus, and confidence.
    • Workshops on sports psychology, including goal setting and performance analysis.
  6. Competitive Match Experience:

    • Students participate in regular competitive matches against local teams and other academies.
    • Opportunities to showcase their talent in front of scouts and agents from professional clubs.

English Language Programme

Recognising the importance of effective communication, the Manchester IHM Football Academy offers a robust English language programme tailored for international students. The programme aims to improve students’ proficiency in English, focusing on practical language skills relevant to their personal and professional lives.

Key Features of the English Language Programme

  1. Qualified English Instructors:

    • Classes are taught by experienced and certified English language instructors.
    • Instructors use engaging teaching methods to make learning enjoyable and effective.
  2. Customised Curriculum:

    • The curriculum is designed to cater to the specific needs of young athletes, incorporating football-related content and vocabulary.
    • Lessons cover all aspects of language learning, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
  3. Interactive Learning Environment:

    • Small class sizes ensure personalised attention and interactive participation.
    • Use of multimedia resources, language labs, and real-life scenarios to enhance learning.
  4. Integration with Football Training:

    • English lessons are scheduled around football training sessions to provide a balanced daily routine.
    • Special focus on communication skills essential for teamwork, leadership, and media interactions.
  5. Cultural Immersion:

    • Students are encouraged to engage with the local community and participate in cultural activities.
    • Excursions and events are organised to help students experience British culture and practise their English in real-world settings.

Benefits of the Combined Programme

The integration of English language education with professional football training offers numerous benefits, making the Manchester IHM Football Academy a unique and advantageous choice for aspiring footballers.

  1. Holistic Development:

    • Students develop both their athletic and academic skills, preparing them for diverse career opportunities.
    • The balanced approach ensures well-rounded personal growth and development.
  2. Enhanced Communication Skills:

    • Proficiency in English opens doors to global opportunities in football and beyond.
    • Improved communication skills enhance teamwork, leadership, and media interaction abilities.
  3. Increased Employability:

    • Graduates are better equipped to navigate the international sports industry and pursue careers as professional athletes, coaches, or sports managers.
    • English proficiency adds value to their professional profile, making them attractive to clubs and organisations worldwide.
  4. Exposure to Professional Networks:

    • The academy’s connections with local clubs and professional networks provide students with valuable exposure and networking opportunities.
    • Regular matches and training camps offer platforms to showcase talent and gain recognition.
  5. Cultural Competence:

    • Living and studying in Manchester exposes students to diverse cultures and perspectives.
    • Cultural immersion activities enhance their adaptability and global awareness.

Success Stories

The success of the Manchester IHM Football Academy is reflected in the achievements of its alumni. Many graduates have gone on to secure contracts with professional football clubs, while others have pursued higher education or careers in sports management and coaching.

Notable Alumni

  1. Carlos Fernandez (Spain):

    • After completing the programme, Carlos signed with a prominent Spanish football club.
    • He credits the academy with providing him the skills and confidence needed to succeed at the professional level.
  2. Yuki Tanaka (Japan):

    • Yuki’s improved English proficiency and football skills earned him a scholarship to study and play football at a university in the United States.
    • His experience at the academy helped him adapt to a new cultural and academic environment seamlessly.
  3. Emma Johnson (Canada):

    • Emma excelled in the academy’s programme and now plays for a top women’s football club in Canada.
    • Her enhanced communication skills have also made her a sought-after spokesperson for youth sports initiatives.

Admission Process and Requirements

Prospective students interested in joining the Manchester IHM Football Academy must meet certain criteria and follow a straightforward application process.

  1. Academic and Athletic Requirements:

    • Applicants must demonstrate a keen interest in football and have basic proficiency in English.
    • Academic transcripts and a letter of recommendation are required as part of the application.
  2. Application Submission:

    • Complete the online application form on the academy’s website.
    • Submit supporting documents, including academic records, a personal statement, and a football CV.
  3. Interview and Assessment:

    • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview and a football skills assessment.
    • This helps assess the applicant’s suitability for the programme and their potential for growth.
  4. Visa and Accommodation Support:

    • The academy provides assistance with visa applications and offers guidance on accommodation options.
    • Support services are available to help students settle into life in Manchester.