Bachelor in International Business
course Name

Institute Name : CBS International Business School

Course Name : Bachelor in International Business

Course Type : Undergraduate

Education Level : 4,5,6

Duration : 3 Years

Method of Delivery : Classroom

Pre Requirements : High School Diploma, IELTS 6.0

Language Level : B2

Visa Type : 32

Application Fee :

Academic Deposit :

Fees : Euro 5370 per semester Semester

Intakes : September

Course Description :

International Business Studies in Germany

Studying International Business at CBS can provide you with the decisive career advancement that a normal business studies programme may not be able to offer. As the world of business has become globalized, almost every kind of business today is international business. This can be seen by the fact that the company language of large, international corporations and German medium-sized companies is often English. The reason: customers and company locations around the world require comprehensive, international business know-how from their employees. This also being the reason why English is the study language for our degree programme – and internationality is at its core. Beginning in the third semester, you will specialize in a field of your choice: Financial ManagementInternational Trade, Marketing ManagementHRM & Leadership or Management Consulting.

Real International Business Projects

When you study International Business at CBS, you not only get access to the current research in economics but also to real projects. Together with partner companies, we initiate case studies, in which you collaborate with other students to work out and present a real international business task. This gives you a deep insight into the real working life of attractive companies.

Practical experience, soft & intercultural skills trainings prepare you for the job market

Several practical phases are integrated into the curriculum so that you can optimally prepare yourself for the job market and get to know various aspects of different industries during your studies. For example, you will complete an eight-week internship during your lecture-free period and work on complex issues in a joint business project with corporate partners. Our Business Simulation Game also offers you the chance to apply your knowledge in practice. Our Career Service supports you in finding an exciting internship in Germany or abroad with a renowned company!

In addition, our soft skills courses teach you how to lead teams and communicate effectively with your fellow students at all levels of the hierarchy. Whether in a job interview or at an important final presentation - a confident appearance is the sum of your experience and targeted training in which you can improve your skills. with convincing charisma and rhetoric, you will always be successful in your working life.

In addition to these practical insights, you will strengthen your intercultural skills during your semester abroad. As CBS has a large network of partner universities, you can spend your semester abroad at one of over 120 universities all over the world. The International Office staff will assist you with your choice and the whole application process.

Internationality is the Foundation

After completing your studies, stand out from the rest when looking for really interesting positions in the global labour market. With a clear focus on internationality. When you study international business at CBS, you will find a practical curriculum waiting for you, in which theoretical concepts of business management and management theory are linked with current questions from international business practice. In so doing, you will begin to understand the complexity of business decisions at an early stage – and you will automatically be familiar with all the nomenclature thanks to the lectures held in English. But that’s not all. You will acquire another foreign language, which is also part of the study programme.

Business and Pleasure: The Semester Abroad

The USA? Australia? Japan? Spain? Improve language? Strengthen intercultural competence? Look forward to an semester abroad at one of our over 120 partner universities. Our International Office will show you which country or which university is best suited to your needs. The experts there will take care of everything so that you can fully concentrate on your international business studies.

Bachelor of Arts in International Business - What are the job opportunities?

Internet company? Automotive industry? Business consulting? Energy sector? Logistics? Marketing? Communications industry? The quality of an education is reflected by the career paths its graduates take. And, above all, how high the percentage of its top performers is. This is particularly high for the alumni of the CBS International Business School. Not only in the international business sector.

Our advisors will get you on the right track

Studying International Business could be the ideal way for you to enter into a lifelong career. Our study advisors already know and recognize how well the degree programme is suited to you personally as well as where your main focus should be. Set up a study counselling appointment and get information on topics like course of the studies, examinations, scholarships and financial aid. No commitment is necessary. Hint: Come to a trial lecture during the semester, where you can attend any lecture for all the courses you like. Regular info nights and study information days are here to help you decide to study business administration in one of the best business schools in Germany.
